Wednesday, May 15, 2013

365 Letters

On second thought, my hand's already cramped from all the notes I've been taking (it happens when you're doing a four-month-long course in the span of three weeks). How about 365 blog posts instead?

Being at university while all of your friends are back at home for the summer is lonely enough. What makes matters even worse is that Tawna, my best friend from high school, is in Italy for the entire time that I'm in summer school. I know that I should be mature and simply wait for her to come back to the Great White North to tell her tales of my depressingly solitary life, but I'm not exactly the most civilized person.

Me and Tawna at Starbucks.

The thing about my friendship with Tawna is that I tell her everything. And you may be thinking, "Well, that's only natural for best friends," and I would agree. However, I think the general definition of "everything" and my definition are two entirely different things. I tell her every single thought that pops into my brain, unfortunately enough for her:

...I really need to get a life.

Well, 365 letters, 365 blog posts, or 365 text messages... the love is the same. 

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