Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lana Nail Rey

Please excuse my recent lapse in internet presence; I had been frantically finishing summer school and flitting around Canada visting family. Also, thanks for showing me a good pre-4th-of-July good time, Idaho. I think I've seen enough American flags for a while.

Hmm, on second thought, maybe a couple more.

I've been growing my nails out ever since the beginning of summertime, with a fair amount of success. I feel like this blog is going to slowly turn into a nail polish blog, but I suppose that's alright. I read nail polish blogs. They're likeable. And now that I have basically infinite time on my hands (heh heh, get it?), I can do them all the time!

Soooo pretty! This is the blue from the Sephora Jasmine Collection and Queen of Everything by Sephora by OPI. It's just so glossy.


When I repainted the following week, I didn't realize that it was pretty much the exact same colour scheme as above... It's supposed to be mint green, but it turns out as more of a Tiffany turquoise.

It matches my backpack, though!

This is Aladdin's Girl from the Jasmine collection mentioned above, and it's gorgeous, but a little too translucent for my taste. 

I believe this one's called Fit For Royalty (from Jasmine). What a perfect dark purple for summer!

And, of course, Canada Day/Calgary Stampede nails.
(See how much they've grown? I broke the middle nail on my other hand whilst camping and I only cried for a day or so.)

Hopefully the Stampede can be pulled off to some adequate degree this year, what with all of the Alberta flooding a couple weeks ago. Calgs is a tough city. We'll make it through. 

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